Our teachers

Experienced educators and advisors who will help your children succeed.

We would like to introduce our educators to you.

Mgr. Alena Valentinovna Pinskaja PhD.
( The founder of the school )

She graduated in theatre criticism and history of theatre from the Russian Theatre Academy in Moscow, earning a Ph.D. in sociology. Due to her love for children and education, and the belief that education can be provided more effectively and with higher quality than in state schools, she founded a fully accredited school in Moscow in 1992. Since 1999, this school has been operating in Prague, while maintaining partnerships with schools in Moscow.

She continues her education and actively participates in numerous conferences to ensure that the educational center “Věda” has the best possible international connections and stays updated on new trends in learning. She is actively involved in the daily life of the school. She serves as an ambassador for the European Association of Bilingual Schools Via Light on behalf of our school.

PhDr. Iva Novotná
( School Director, CZ )

Studied at Lomonosov University in Moscow and at Charles University in Prague. She pursued Economics and Market Economy at the University of Pittsburgh.

Author of methodological studies and worksheets on teaching foreign students in Czech schools, as well as the preparation and teaching of preschoolers – foreigners entering school. She collaborates with Aladin Publishing.

Since 1996, she has been working as a court expert and interpreter.

Mgr. Tatjana Kopytova
( The Deputy Director of the school, DE, MA )

A graduate of the Faculty of Education, specializing in mathematics.

Worked at School No. 523 in Moscow, focusing on the educational program “Mathematics and Logic in Primary School,” concentrating on the development of logic in children and the integration of information technologies in mathematics classes. Simultaneously, she taught mathematics at a pedagogical lyceum. Currently, she works at the Věda school as a mathematics and theater education teacher.

“I love my specialization, mathematics, and I believe that it’s not just about bombarding students with new knowledge but explaining it and instilling a love for mathematics in students. For me, it’s not only about what I teach but also how I teach it…”

Mgr. Elena Šimočková
( Administrator )

Graduated from the historical and legal faculty at the State University in Kemerovo, Russia. She taught history, law, and social sciences at Gymnasium No. 41 in the city of Kemerovo for 10 years. She enjoys traveling, spending time with family, and exploring new things.

Mgr. Marie Hřebíková
( Coordinator of projects and environmental education )

She graduated from the University of Education in Hradec Králové with a master’s degree, specializing in biology, chemistry, and geography. Throughout her professional career, she furthered her qualifications in the areas of special education for speech therapy and environmental education coordination. She is professionally dedicated to alternative methods of education and enjoys challenges.

Mgr. Anna Osinovskaia
( RL )

A graduate of the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astaf’yev in the field of pedagogical education with a focus on the Russian language and literature. She earned a Master’s degree at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Krasnoyarsk in the field of Russian language and literature. She taught Russian and literature at State School No. 99 in the city of Krasnodar. She has extensive experience in preparing students for state exams in the Russian language.

ing. Eduard Karapetyan
( MA, FY, IT )

Absolvent Jerevanské státní univerzity, Fyzikální fakulty, v oboru fyzika, pedagogika se specializací jaderná fyzika, získal titul Ing. v oboru marketingová komunikace na vysoké škole v Praze.

Pracoval na jazykové škole v Praze jako učitel matematiky a fyziky pro přípravu na vysokou školu.

Při výuce používám interaktivní formu a neustálé opakování látky, abych dosáhl co největšího účinku a lepšího rozvoje paměti. Jsem přesvědčen, že takové předměty, jako je matematika, pomohou žákům rozvíjet rychlé reakce, dobrou paměť, systematické myšlení a rychle se přizpůsobit modernímu světu. A fyzika pomůže žákům najít správné logické souvislosti mezi vědou a reálným životem.

Mgr. Vlasta Hofmannová
( Language school lecturer )

Graduated from the Faculty of Arts at Charles University in Prague, specializing in Czech language. She has long worked as a manager of cultural projects, including the Thalia Award, the restoration of Titian’s painting in Kroměříž, the regional professional theater in Prague, and guiding foreigners through cultural landmarks in Prague and the Czech Republic.

Worked as an educator at Charles University, teaching Czech to foreigners from more than thirty countries worldwide. She taught all age groups, from preschoolers to adults. Currently, she teaches Czech to students who have completed high school in their home country and wish to study at Czech universities.

Aksana Lubneuskaya
( Teacher assistant )

Graduated from the State Belarusian University with a degree in geography. Furthered her education in the field of the educational program for assistant educators for children and students with special educational needs at META, o.p.s.

Christopher Egner
( Language school lecturer )

Christopher, is a native speaker from the United States. In his lessons, he always brings enthusiasm and passion, aiming to motivate everyone, not just the quickest learners. With years of experience teaching English workshops, he is a skilled chef and baker, making all our school projects and celebrations filled with the best desserts. During conversational exercises, he ensures grammatical correctness, and his topics are never superficial; rather, they delve deep into the heart of the matter.
